What's it like to work with me?
Well, in my opinion, fabulous. (But don’t take it from me.)
Being your photographer is a big responsibility - one that I’m honored to have. One that makes me work so hard for you. I am the type that doesn't want to show up and snap a few photos. I want you to look at these photos and remember the feeling.
We’re making more than photographs - we’re documenting memories. We’re creating heirlooms that your families will treasure for years. These photos will be admired by your future grandbabies. They'll hang in homes for generations to come!
This isn't going to be an awkward prom pose, camera up in your face type of deal.
It’s also why I’m all about what’s REAL - I’m not here for the poses - although we’ll do those too. I won’t ask you to re-enact something or pretend he said something hilarious. I want you to embrace all that is you and your person. In short, I want you to have a damn good time.
I’m about the candid moments, the details otherwise forgotten, the tears your dad fights back - maybe successfully, maybe not - and those fleeting, once-in-a-lifetime (literally!) moments. I want my photos to tell a story. Your story.
And I’m here to do more than snap photos - when your carefully planned schedule goes off track or you forgot your something blue, I’ll be right there with you to improvise and make sure that in the end, it’s still the day you’ve been dreaming of.
We'll laugh, you'll dance and maybe crack open some beers.
I want these photos to set fire to your soul. I want you to feel something. Feelings along with the belly laughs, the quirky smiles and the insanely adorable snuggling you're about to do.
Let loose & fall in love all over again.